Wednesday, August 01, 2007

(Hu)Man Hunt

Human beings, the most successful and thriving species that ever existed on this planet we call Earth. Human beings who had the gift of a much advanced Brain than any other species. Human beings who started with inventing technology to assist themselves in their survival. Human beings who mastered various technologies to travel by air, on water, through space, and control the climate around them. Human beings who became so powerful that all other species survive at their mercy. Human beings who have become slaves of the technology created by themselves. Human beings who destroyed the delicate balance of nature for their own whims and fantasies.

Some where between mastering technologies and becoming a super power and just before turning into a slave of those technologies , I guess the Human beings ceased to exist. Now i see people a lot of them. People People Everywhere but not a single Human being in sight. I see people who have turned into the machines that they have built. I see people for whom life is just a routine from waking up to going back to sleep, and the sole purpose of their life is to make more money.

I grew up reading about Men, Men with values, ethics and principles. Men who had the courage to stand up for what is right, Men who have lost everything but never parted with their morale and character. Men of Honour, who were known for their honesty, sincerity and commitment. Men with fire of passion in their hearts and compassion for their fellow human beings. Men who's selfless acts have made difference in the lives of millions . Men with thirst for knowledge. Men who have carried the torch of truth throughout their life and were never bothered by its scorching flames. Men who have achieved pinnacles of excellence in all aspects of life and yet are humble. One may say that those kind of Men exist only in books, but I was lucky enough to meet a couple of such Men. I have always wanted to be one among those Men.

But now i don't see those Men. I see people who are corrupted to the core, People who have gained worldly riches but have lost their character. People who live to earn money, by any means. People who attribute more importance to the buildings, cars they own than the fellow beings. People who are selfish, people who try to take advantage of others miseries, Greedy People, People who are hungry for money, for power. People who are so concerned with their rights that they have forgot their manners. People who have no respect for anything but money.

Amidst the ocean of these people I have been desperately searching for Men, and all i have found are shallow people everywhere. It bothers me most when i see myself as one amongst those people. But my (Hu)Man Hunt will continue......

1 comment:

  1. Let me know when u meet any, as far i know they cease to exist....
