Thursday, June 29, 2017

Repeat after me

  1. Not everybody is like me or thinks like me
  2. This world is full of selfish, shallow and mean people who fail to think beyond their means
  3. Often they think their perspective is right
  4. No matter how much I argue they will stick to their perspective
  5. Anything else I offer will be met with bitterness and hostility
  6. People care more about how someone's behavior affects them and their lives, rather than trying to understand that someone, or put themselves in that someone's shoes, slippers or sandals
  7. People are often narrow minded and fail to see a broader view of the world around them
  8. People will bring someone down to their level when they fail to understand, rather than rising up
  9. No matter how deep I dig, shit is shit
  10. When I ask a grumpy, cynical, middle aged sociopath for his opinion, I will get a list like this