During some aimless conversations (They are the best) with my friend, she mentioned that we should start posting in our blogs. She kept her end of the deal, but I slacked off. So, this is me keeping my end of the deal. This post is for her and it is going to be... about her. Where do I start, I think I will take inspiration from Lewis Carroll's, Alice in the Wonderland and "Begin at the Beginning..".
Well.. that picture says almost everything about her. A complete nut job, but then, I wouldn't want to be friends with any other, than this nut job. Why, you might ask, and I will answer. To understand that you should understand what she is to me. She is a reminder, of a friendship that spanned across generations. She is also a nag and an expert at it, and on multiple occasions, she nagged me until I came out of my cave that I like to go into and brood. If I ever go to the remotest location on earth, away from everybody, and hide in a deep dark cave, I am pretty sure I will hear a voice "Oye moddu, kya ho raha hai!!". She is stubborn, she refuses to give up on me even though, I gave up on everything in life. She will stand by me no matter what, not because I asked, but because of the kind of friend she is.
Don't be fooled, she is not all sunshine and rainbows. She has her imperfections, annoyances, idiosyncrasies and those are what make her "Her", and not anybody else. If there is someone I would like to watch a sunset with, read a book, grow old, spend quality time, that will be her and nobody else. I can keep writing about her and this post will never end. So let me just say that, through everything in life, she has always been and will be my friend and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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