Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Story

I watched this movie "Kahaani" by Sujoy Ghosh after reading a review of the movie. I am assuming that anyone who is reading this would have already watched the movie and if you have not then there will be no fun in watching the movie after reading this post. I for one, was always a big fan of Bengalis for their intellect, I guess it has got to do with all the fish they eat. This movie was wonderfully written, directed, acted and never gives away the plot even for the intelligent viewer, and thankfully no song and dance sequences. Moreover it has one movie cliche that I love and use in my posts, repeating the title in the end and it has been used so subtly that you don't even realize it at that moment. Then there is Vidya Balan, my personal favourite. The plot of the movie is, a pregnant lady comes from London to find her missing husband who has been to Calcutta on an assignment.

Even though the movie keeps the suspense intact till the very end, there are intelligent hints left all over for viewers to think there might be more to the story than what is being told and the interesting part is that even after that most viewers fail to recognize them. Some of them are...

The guy in the metro train trying to find the bottle containing poisonous liquid that kills everybody including him.

The fact that  Asst. Sub Inspector Rana, willingly helps Vidya with everything, including picking locks and hacking into systems  and takes her around all the time as if it is his official assignment.

The scene where Vidya asks for the actual name of Rana and when he replies "Satyaki", she thoughtfully smiles to herself and says "Arjuna's Charioteer".

The scene where Rana tells Vidya that she will be a great mother the way she treats kids and she turns around to hide her tears.

The scene where the retired IB officer tells the IB chief that he had trained three people and one has gone bad.

The fact that Vidya copies all the information from Sridhar's computer into a flash drive but does not use it to recover data when IB officer Khan asks her to look for proofs in the computer. 

Then we again come to the point where we try to critique the movie from my point of view.

The movie follows a typical flow and approach that makes it  very unique and different from the regular run of the mill movies with  exaggerated emotions and Hindi movie cliches but by the end it turns into one. 

The perfect ending for me that would sync with the rest of the movie would be the scene where Vidya confronts Milan, the guy responsible for the poisonous gas attack on the metro train.

After Vidya fatally injures Milan and takes his revolver, the guy asks "Who are you?" and she replies "What difference does it make?", shoots him and walks away leaving the envelope containing the flash drive. The movie should have ended there with Rana realizing how she has been spinning a story to use the police and IB  to get to her target.

The scenes where they show the relationship between Vidya and the guy in the metro train and the retired IB officer, and she losing her pregnancy after hearing the news of his death and the final scene between the retired IB officer and Vidya don't sync with the mood set by the rest of the movie. Theses scenes appear as if they have been made to explain mundane details to the average viewer. Instead it could have been just another hint for the viewer to deduce the untold story.

Overall its a great watch and is thoroughly enjoyable.

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