Thursday, April 19, 2012

You Will Survive!!!

I was going through some very interesting blogs and was wondering how these authors had a lot to write initially and slowly the number of posts deteriorated then some have stopped writing altogether due to various reasons.  Some lost interest, some got busy with reality, some had other priorities and some moved on to other things in life. Is that what you are going to do too, asked my blog, neglect me and leave me to slowly wither and die. I was quiet for some time trying to find an excuse, but then I realized, instead of an excuse I should be giving an answer. So here is my answer, No!! you will not be neglected and forgotten like other blogs, for you are my identity, my voice, my freedom to express without which there is not much left in me. So my dear, even if i don't have anything to write  for a while, I will always be back  and You Will Survive!!!!


  1. Yep I've neglected blogs than come back and post again after a long absence. It is hard to get into the habit of posting regularly especially when you are busy with other things in your life.

  2. Look who's talking ;)

