Friday, February 13, 2009

Make a Difference

Everybody is talking about saving the forests, global warming, conserving energy etc etc. Even I talk about them, but i own a SUV. Now you know where this is going.
So it happened like this that one news channel thought that some one has to do something about saving the planet. It aired a 24 hour non-stop Green Marathon programme that hosted several people giving their valuable tips on how to conserve electricity, water, nature reduce pollution, population etc etc. Again nothing was done except for talking.

I could have given them a better idea than that for free only if they would have asked me. The idea is to shutdown their news channel for 24 hours.

  • It would conserve electricity as all the offices of the news channel are shut down.

  • It would have conserved a lot of water that all the people in the office would consume.

This is the point where a "smart cookie" would think of saying "oh come on, those people will consume water at their respective homes anyway". So this explanation below is for that "smart cookie". There are lots of people who don't bother to take a bathe if they don't have to go out. People don't go to the bathroom for washing their face after entering or before leaving office. People at home consume much less water than people at office basically due to the facts that they don't have to bother about it being over or paying for the water they use. Enough explanation

  • It would have reduced both air and noise pollution because the people are not commuting.
  • It would have conserved nature because the Air Conditioners are shut down and all the paper that is consumed in one day is conserved and trees are saved.
There you go, but it would have an adverse effect on reducing population as the otherwise busy people, sitting idle in their respective homes might get ideas.

Now I would like to dedicate this post to the actor/ nature conservationalist Afthab Sihvdasani for his most incredible tip on what he does and begs us to do for conserving nature. During his bathe, he turns off the shower while applying soap. Now if you plan to do so too or even think of doing so, this post is dedicated to you too. Adding to it he says that it is these small things that make the difference. Hmm i guess selling off his sports bike and sports car wouldn't make much difference.

Some fan of this actor might want to come back at me saying "How dare you piece of fecal matter, you have no right to talk about him while you own a SUV". Well agreed, but i already turn off the shower while applying soap and even skip taking bath when i don't have to go out.

1 comment:

  1. I recycle resposibly....does that count. i reuse plastic bags, and foil and kitchen paper towels and cut printed white paper in fours and use them as reminder notes instead of post its. i yell at V to shut tap off while he's shaving, it irks me so much, he doesnt get it why i get so upset ! go figure...

