Thursday, January 15, 2009

Points to ponder

I had the privilege of talking to a learned gentleman couple of days ago and he gave me something to ponder and pass on to others like they were passed on to him.

1. Everybody is selfish on one level or another

I contemplated a lot and tried to argue
I thought it is a more generalized statement and there always have been exceptions to that. My conscience argued, nobody is an exception. There are people who are known for their selfless acts but were they always selfless to the core, I don't think so. Although at some degree the selfishness is not visible or it is so negligible that it does not affect anyone in a negative way. I could give a lot of explanations but that is not the point of posting it. It is up to each and every individual to derive a conclusion for themselves.

2. Love descends, it does not ascend

This is something that i failed to understand until the context was explained. What the gentleman meant was that the amount of love and affection one shows to his/her parents is negligible when compared to the love and affection showered on his/her children. The simple point he stated is that when things go wrong you would always count how much you have done to make your parents happy but you would never do that to your kids. I had nothing to argue against it. It is a universal fact and if somebody is in a mood to debate against it i am game for it.

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