Look at the Man in the center of the photograph, 60 something, black dress, heavy backpack on his back, Two India Flags hoisted on his backpack. I found this guy walking while i was waiting for a signal on my way to office. I went to office and immediately went back with a couple of my colleagues to know what he was doing and why he was doing....
I was amazed to find out that he has started his walk from Kashmir about 16 years ago, because it frustrated him to see people fighting among themselves for petty things, it worried him that people are becoming more selfish and getting addicted to all bad habits. So he started walking, Most of the day he meets people and asks them to be good towards themselves and good towards others, he also meets ministers from the respective states and begs them to put a ban on all forms of tobacco and alcohol and see that the youth of the nation go on right tracks. A 15 minute conversation with him was an enlightenment. It doesn't bother him whether people listen to him or not he just persuades them and moves on.
Now this is the kind of Man i was looking out for, these are the kind of Men we need in these times. When asked whether there is still goodness in the community we are living and how good is the response for everything that he is doing, he smiles and says "Look at me i have been traveling by foot for 16 years, without any money in hand, if there was no good in people around, i wouldn't have survived even a year ". More than anything he is hopeful that the good in people will triumph and the world will be a better place to live. Since he had to go on me and my colleagues asked him if there was some way we could help. He said he doesn't take money and anything that will help him to walk further would be good, and what would help him to walk further than a pair of Nike Airmax Shoes!!!
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