01:00 AM doesn't seem to be an odd time for writing this up. I have been postponing this for a while now and I said to myself enough is enough.
The big deal going around during the time I named this post was Rupee getting a symbol and all the hype around it. There is lot of appreciation for the symbol and there are many who are proud that now we have symbol and Rupee gets a place along with Dollar, Pound etc etc.
NO you dumb asses, just giving a symbol will not make a Rupee equivalent to others, it is the exchange rate that defines the place and when that day comes where the difference decreases drastically then you should be proud.
You are proud because now we have symbol for Rupee!!!
Its like an American Parent being proud of their kid for "Graduating" from Pre-School.
Seriously, Get Over With It Already.
You are missing the point madhu, graduating from preschool is the foundation, it's the building block of many future things to come, it's all in details da.
Get Over With It Already!!!