Wednesday, December 09, 2009


I know there is no such word... I came up with the following observations when I was on a domestic flight recently.

  1. No Matter how many times people fly, there are still some people who don't put their seats in straight up position or put on their seat belts for take off and landing unless the air hostess comes and asks you to do so.
  2. There is always at least one jerk who keeps talking over the mobile phone even after listening to the announcement to switch off all the electronic equipment.
  3. People stand up and open the luggage compartments as soon as the plane hits the ground even after repeated announcements not to unlock the seat belts until the plane came to a complete halt.
  4. People rush towards the gate as soon as it is open for boarding the flight. Hey, guess what.. there are seats for everyone and nobody is going to occupy the seat assigned to you and you don't have to stand.
  5. There is always at least one person in the flight who is over sized for the economy seats and if you aren't lucky that person will sit beside you.

1 comment:

  1. i'm guilty of the first offense and the last one happened to me only once on my from vjy to hyd...but i didnt mind at all, as much as he didnt mind taran waking him up every time he was snoring.

