Friday, December 12, 2008


A wise scientist once quoted "There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle"

I chose the latter one. For me anything that does not happen naturally is a miracle, maybe that is the reason why i never get bored.

I will have to write why I even started writing about it. Last weekend i took my wife for an ultra sound scan, by the way did i mention that i am going to be a father soon, i guess not. So we went to the hospital and they took her into the scanning room and after getting her ready for the scan the radiologist called me inside and the procedure started.

Initially the screen looked like a white and black shades moving hazily, and the radiologist was like, look at the baby's face it completely formed, look, look the baby is putting her(I don't know the gender but i would prefer a "her") tongue out (giggles...) , isn't that a beautiful sight.. i was like where? what? when? how?....

I always had starting trouble with everything i did. So i decided to play along till i could start identifying and to my relief the next part she showed was the longest and more discrete from others and i got my point of reference. Nooooo, its not that.. it is the spine.

From that point onwards all that i have seen is nothing less than witnessing a Miracle. Little eyes blinking, tiny hands and legs waving and kicking. I know! it is natural and has happened millions and millions of times and that is how even i started. I am not talking about that, i am talking about how i am able to see what is happening inside the womb and that, to me, is a Miracle. Now don't even start giving me scientific explanations about how ultrasound works and makes it easy for u to see and that it has been done millions of times... baaaah, No. I know how it works, but i am able to see something that i can't see with my naked eye and even though there are scientific answers it is no less than a miracle to me and that fascinates me.

Flying in an aeroplane, it is a miracle....and no matter how many times i fly, i never get bored of it. Even the simplest things in life don't fail to fascinate me, like Mirrors, especially the rear view mirrors fitted to a vehicle, i enjoy looking at those mirrors while driving.

Some of you might be like... What a loser!! hmmm whatever.. i don't care...

A miracle essentially means extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and at some point or other, everything that is ordinary now was nothing less than a miracle. People have just accepted them as ordinary and they get on with their lives as if nothing is unusual, those things don't amaze them like they used to.

Maybe that is the reason why people are so bored out there
they see miracles every day, and act as if they don't care.

1 comment:

  1. u said it rite, don't u think that i am also a miracle in your life Mr.MKAN.
