Thursday, November 27, 2008

What the Duck!!!

Looks like i have my "D"s and "F"s mixed up.... cool huh, anyway i ripped that idea off a fellow blogger. Have you ever been through situations that made you think "What the Duck!!"... Well this post is all about those "What the Duck" moments i have been through recently.

1. Now this is the situation everybody is aware of, the global economy melt-down. It is happening everywhere and is a very hot topic. So when everybody is worried and depressed about how the economies around the world are falling apart and wondering Why did this happen, i thought.. Wait a minute. There are numerous prestigious organizations around the world and they train Creme De La Creme on various management and administration courses and even before the Creme have finished their trainings, they are absorbed into various managerial /administrative positions in all the prestigious corporates and organizations with obscene paychecks. Now with all this Creme in charge of large corporates/administrative bodies, how did the situation got so screwed up. Is this not the kind of situation they are supposed to avoid, isn't that why they are paid such obscene salaries. What the Duck were these Creme thinking/doing while the economy was going to dogs. If they couldn't avert this situation, maybe they don't deserve to be in their respective positions, maybe they don't deserve the paychecks that are being given to them. With all these going through my mind, i couldn't help saying What the Duck!!!!

2. The latest mantra of India's favourite bank ICICI is "Go Green", save paper , save environment. They say "An average tree absorbs 4.5 kg of air pollutants every year", now i will not deny that. They print that on the envelope of the credit card statement they send every month and request the customers to unsubscribe the paper statement. Now i seriously appreciate this effort. I opened the envelop and what i see is my statement just occupies half of one side of a page and the rest is advertisements. There are four fully printed papers showing several offers and discounts that the customer would get if they used the credit card. Then there are 2 papers advertising their several credit cards / insurance schemes/ loan facilities provided by the bank. Now this moment calls for a collective "What -- The -- Duck!!". Maybe more than anybody else they need to know what "Go Green" means.

3. I had another one of those moments as soon as i published this post, so i thought i would update it too. I was checking out the news paper and looks like our useful Bhajarang Dal and ABVP were busy pelting stones at the movie theaters as they were showing a movie named "Vinayakudu", because naming the movie after a God has hurt their ducked up emotions and sentiments while the entire India has its attention towards what is happening in Mumbai. For those of you who are not aware of it, terrorists have attacked several places and held people hostage and the commandos are trying to free the hostages. So while entire India is watching this in horror, these people were bothered by a movie named after a God. E-x-a-c-t-l-y What the DUCK!!!!. These are the same people who appointed themselves guardians of Indian heritage and culture and started beating up young lovers for celebrating Valentine's Day. Now they protest and attack because someone named a movie after the name of a God. How come their sentiments are not hurt when names of Gods are used for Liquor Stores or Bars. No No we can't be hurt by that because liquor is a gift from God and those places are equivalent to temples , aren't they you spineless, swiney DastarBs. Where are these people when there were blasts all over India, when terrorists have been attacking Mumbai.
Oh no! no! no!, we can't be bothered by these, we are trying to bring a greater good to the society by attacking helpless people going against our culture, because those people don't pose a threat to us. Finding or Facing terrorists, or lending a helping hand to the victims, that's not our job it is up to the Police and Military and they have completely failed to protect us. Well do i have to say What - The - Bloofy - Duck !!!

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