Spoiler Warning: Contains material that reveals the plot of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows". Don't read further if you have not read the book.
Long time since my last post, its not that i did not have anything worthwhile to write, its just like people say "I was busy".
So Harry Potter's last book in the series was released on 21st, and i was happy that The Boy Who Lived, Lives. It was a bit annoying that media and news papers have revealed it before i even started reading the book. I started reading the book and finished in two straight days, i warned everyone around me that i am not to be disturbed while reading... I don't know if i have the vocabulary to describe how it was written but i am sure it topped all the previous books, absolutely splendidly marvelously beautifully terrifically fantastic.
Some of you might roll your eyes thinking "its a story for kids", it was a story for kids till the second book and if anybody has observed it was no longer a fairy tale for kids.
I was very eager to finish the book because of the secrets it held and thought of completing it in one day. When i started reading the book i realized that it is going to be the last, then i slowed down letting every sentence sink into my memory and started visualizing the characters, their surroundings, their attitude, their emotions everything, thanks to the Harry Potter movies released till now.
Even though i knew he was going to live, at a point i thought that he actually is going to die and become immortal in hearts of his friends. However one thing i have been guessing came true. Since i have read the third book i somehow guessed that professor Snape was on Dumbledore's side and by the end of the sixth book i was sure that killing Dumbledore was part of an agreement between Snape and himself . I was not sure of the reason. I was actually expecting Dumbledore to reappear again, which he did but not in the living world.
Thank You JKR for the adventure, for the fantasy, for bringing an entirely different world to life which is more or less the same as our world. The memories of the journey with Harry Potter will live forever with me and millions of others around the world.
Long time since my last post, its not that i did not have anything worthwhile to write, its just like people say "I was busy".
So Harry Potter's last book in the series was released on 21st, and i was happy that The Boy Who Lived, Lives. It was a bit annoying that media and news papers have revealed it before i even started reading the book. I started reading the book and finished in two straight days, i warned everyone around me that i am not to be disturbed while reading... I don't know if i have the vocabulary to describe how it was written but i am sure it topped all the previous books, absolutely splendidly marvelously beautifully terrifically fantastic.
Some of you might roll your eyes thinking "its a story for kids", it was a story for kids till the second book and if anybody has observed it was no longer a fairy tale for kids.
I was very eager to finish the book because of the secrets it held and thought of completing it in one day. When i started reading the book i realized that it is going to be the last, then i slowed down letting every sentence sink into my memory and started visualizing the characters, their surroundings, their attitude, their emotions everything, thanks to the Harry Potter movies released till now.
Even though i knew he was going to live, at a point i thought that he actually is going to die and become immortal in hearts of his friends. However one thing i have been guessing came true. Since i have read the third book i somehow guessed that professor Snape was on Dumbledore's side and by the end of the sixth book i was sure that killing Dumbledore was part of an agreement between Snape and himself . I was not sure of the reason. I was actually expecting Dumbledore to reappear again, which he did but not in the living world.
Thank You JKR for the adventure, for the fantasy, for bringing an entirely different world to life which is more or less the same as our world. The memories of the journey with Harry Potter will live forever with me and millions of others around the world.
Cool, you finished reading already ! I saw the second movie and totally loved it. But i cant read a book when it's in total hype, i take my own time warming up to those. So now i'll go and buy the first in series.