Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Object of My Affection

Have you ever noticed that if you hate something long enough it will become a part of your life and you will actually start liking it (hating someone is an excetion though :)). I dont know about others but it has happened to me. It has happened to me so many times that i can definitely tell that almost everything around me is something i hated some time back.

When Scorpio was launched in India I thoroughly hated it for its looks and its lack of sophistication. By the way i am a big fan of SUVs and crazy about roughing them at top speeds and i keep track all the mean machines that hit the market. So when this dull grey colored thing appeared before me for the first timewith the ingenuity of Indian technology i gave it an Ugly Duckling kind of treatment. I even prophesised that this baby is going nowhere. One year into the market and it was awarded the best car of the year.

That was when i gave it a second look and still filled with disgust was determined to find out what made it the car of the year. i could see that the transformation of the Ugly Duckling has begun. It became the first car to experiment with dual colors for the exteriors and i have to admit that a combination or two caught my eye. That was when i thought maybe its not as bad a car as i thought it would be. With the advent of CRDe, a technology that makes the car more fuel efficient and less noisy the car bagged the best car of the year for 2005-06 again.

That was when i thought maybe i should buy this car, after all it has survived everything and became very popular. So if anybody asks me i would say i would buy a Scorpio but still there were other cars under consideration. Then one day one of my colleagues asked me if i checked out the ad of new Scorpio with 43 new features, I opened the website to take a look and there it was "The Ugly Duckling" that transformed into "The Object of My Affection". I immediately fell in love with it and whnever i see the all new scorpio on the road i just stand there admiring it. Now if somebody asks if i will consider buying anything else i will say "Nothing else wil do".

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean....cell phones fall in the same category too. But the vice versa of your deliberations is the real trap : )
