Thursday, October 26, 2006

Don't be proud, Dear Death

DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.

These are the verses from a poem i read during my school, beautifully composed by John Donne. Of all the poems that i have admired this one kept on lingering in my head while others nested in the archives of my memory.

This poem mocks at death asking it not to be proud because of the stature it is given by the people.

What is death? What happens when you die? Many have given different interpretations of it. Science says death is the absence of life and happens when you either stop breathing or your heart stops beating. What is life, what part of the body does life reside when your body is still alive and kicking. How does life enter your body? Well everybody knows its the sperm that fertilizes the egg and the egg evolves into a human body. Can sperm be called as life? There is another part of science which says the cells of your body keep dying from the day you were born (the day the egg was fertilized). But there is another process which reproduces the cells. Only, in the beginning the production of the cells is much faster than the deterioration and as time goes by it is reversed and finally the deterioration of the cells gains momentum while production of cells diminishes. When the production of cells stops, your body will slowly stop functioning and gives in to death. The deterioration of body cells happen even after we consider somebody dead, only it happens very rapidly. Doctors consider somebody dead when their heart stops beating, why does the heart stop beating, because the blood pressure decreases why does the blood pressure decrease? Oh well enough of science about death and this is not even the reason i started this post.

Every religion discusses the duality of life, body and soul. When these are together someone is said to be alive. The body is destructible where the soul is eternal. We came into this world naked, but we start wearing clothes when we gain the knowledge that we are naked. Generally our parents have the knowledge by the time we are born, so they cover us up and tell us the importance of putting some clothes on, to cover your naked body. From the time we started wearing clothes we change numerous pairs for various reasons, the clothes faded away, they are too soiled, they are torn, they don't fit us anymore, they are out of fashion etc. We are happy about shopping for new clothes, discarding the ones we cant wear anymore for the reasons mentioned and put on the new ones. Clothes have become so important than the body itself that, the clothes you wear represents what you are. Similarly a soul wears a body to represent or identify itself physically and uses the senses that come along with the body to See, Hear, Touch, Smell, Taste, Think and Communicate. In due course of time the body gets soiled, it is subjected to wear and tear, or the soul grows, rather attains higher states and doesn't fit into the body anymore, and even the body goes out of fashion. I would like to attribute it to evolution. Did you notice that the homo sapiens were fully covered with lots of body hair and as the body kept evolving it lost all its hair and the bodies these days come with far lesser hair. Today hair all over the body is considered gross and person with lots of hair is treated prehistoric. Bodies with less hair is the in thing for the souls these days and that should be reason almost no souls come with lots of hair on their bodies.

So death essentially means the destruction of the body that the soul has been wearing. What happens when your clothes are destroyed, You wear new clothes and the soul wears a new body. When you are happy about discarding old clothes and wearing new ones, you should be happy about discarding an old body and wearing a new body. In that case maybe death should not be treated with such disrespect and fear. So why are people scared of it, why do people shudder at the mere mention of the word Death (like all the witches and wizards shudder at the mention of name "lord Voldemort" ). Why are they worried, why is death considered bad when it is as natural a process as birth which is considered good and celebrated. I think i have answers.. As we have evolved ourselves through ages we started attributing so much importance to the clothes we wear than our body itself that, clothes formed our identity, you have become what you wear, your clothes reflect your character. Almost everybody feel bad when discarding their favourite clothes. Similarly we have attributed so much importance to the body that the souls wear, rather than the soul itself that we started identifying the soul by the body. Hence we are afraid of leaving the body, we have grown affectionate of the body and are so attached that we feel sad about leaving it one day. If only we realize that we are the soul and not the body we are living in, we might not treat death the way we treat.

There are other reasons too. What happens when you realize that your clothes are getting old? Those who are rich and can afford costlier and better clothes are happy because they have shopped enough already. Those who are financially stable would go and shop for clothes, they might not be the clothes that the rich wear but are good enough. Those that have saved just enough would go and shop only when necessary and the budget is restricted to what they have saved. Then there is a class of people who neither earned nor saved enough, they hang on to the clothes they are wearing because, they cannot think of newer or better clothes. The only clothes they currently have are the ones they think they will ever have.

Similarly rich or evolved souls never worry about death and are happy because they have realized that the body deteriorates and they have to leave it one day only to enter into a new body, hence they are prepared, they have already shopped.(when i say they have shopped, it doesn't mean that they already have another body to get in. It essentially means that they have nurtured their spirit towards self actualization ) There are souls that learn about the truth in due course of time and work their way towards spirituality. These souls are said to be in the process of evolving and they are ready before the time comes to discard their old worn out body. Even these are not worried about death. Then there is a category of souls who worked so much on nurturing bodily pleasures that they know the truth all the time but don't accept it until the time comes. They nurture their spirit when it becomes essential just enough to make it to a new body, not necessarily a better one. The last category of souls are very much attached to the body and live in constant fear of death because they never attempt to realize that the soul is eternal. These souls identify themselves so much with their body that destruction of the body essentially means the end.

In ancient Greece when someone dies they do not mourn, they carry out celebrations for 12 days, because it is believed that the soul goes around for 11 days and enters another body on the 12th day. Even in India after a person's death a ceremony is done on the 11th day and a feast is organized. Very few know the underlying concept of the 11th day ceremony.

So death do not be proud because i have realized i am the soul and not the body and know you are just a stage between discarding my old worn out body and and wearing a newer and better one. You are just a short sleep before i wake up eternally.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

God will punish you

I am sure everybody must have received mails which either contains a original photo of somebody or some Chinese good luck charm or some mantra which, if not forwarded to 15 people will bring bad luck.
What is it with God and forwarding emails?What is it with the number 15 or 20?What is it with getting the results quicker by sending the email to more number of people? Why would, not forwarding an email make God angry and punish the unfortunate soul with bad luck? Some emails have to be forwarded within a time limit for good results and some say that they should not be sent tot he person who sent them.

Is it God who has initiated the email chain? If so, does anybody have his email address? I would really love to send some queries on the confusions i have over sending forwards which would bring me good luck. Some of the questions would be..
Does he prefer a yahoo ID or a gmail ID?
Does he IM too? Im would be better so that i can get instant responses.
Does he use a laptop or a regular PC?
Windows or Linux?

The questions can go on.....

If it is not God (which i am damn sure) then who initiated it? Is he a messenger of God ? Did God himself asked him/her in some divine way to send out an email and see who all forward it and whoever does not forward it punish those non believers with bad luck. Why does God care ? I mean what is so auspicious about forwarding emails that he feels that those who don't forward must be punished. Is this a test of faith or something which separates the saints from sinners?

What if i got an email which i should forward but i am marooned in a remote island away from traces of civilization. Will God consider that as an exception or will he still punish me with bad luck? And look at the long list of people who actually do it religiously. What if a mail is sent asking people to make a difference in a poor man's life by giving away one third of what you earn or else God will punish them with bad luck. How many would do it? I have the answer .... Almost None. Then why do they forward emails, because it is free and you don't have to put much effort.

Then there are other mails which when forwarded you will get a reward from Bill Gates and then another email forward which says some girl needs to be operated and every forward you do will earn her $2.....

Why does anyone get paid just for forwarding emails (Except Software Engineers ;) ) ? And that is the reason everyone is shifting to computers and thats another story.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ripple Effect

For those of you who watched and liked the movie "Rang De Basanthi" would have loved the punch line "A Generation awakens". My friend's blog Ripple Effects forms the base for this blog.

It is about a boy who succumbed to sexual abuse by his seniors at college in the name of Ragging, a boy who did not want to become one of those many stories that were washed away in the form of tears in the silence of a dark nights, a boy who did not give in to self-pity, a boy who did not want to suffer silently like many others.

He believed he need not be silent because he is not the one who has commited a hideous offence, He believed he is not the one to be bending his head in shame.

His mother committed suicide giving in to the fear of the Society around her.

She sure has left him in a dilemma not to mention the endless grief and guilt, where he would spend the rest of his life thinkig if what he believed in was correct. If society is to be blamed for ill-treating the victims, then she as a part of that society should be blamed for it. It is the shallow pride that the parents carry around with them and are in constant fear of losing it which would mean worse than death like being banned from the fellowship of the community. They lose it if thier kids dont do well in exams, they lose it if their kids are in love with someone, they lose it if their kids dont land in well payed jobs. It is this false prestige that made her kill herself. Every society or community has its share of black sheep, if only she believed in what her son believed if only she could stand ground like her son did she could have made a lot of difference. Yes there are people in this society who wait for a chance to feed on the miseries of others but at the same time there are people who care enough and strive for a better community. It is the responsibility of each individual to associate themselves with right kind of people and give two hoots to those who dont care. You are identified by the company you keep.

I pray that the boy who has the strength and courage to stand and voice out against the crime that was committed would find the strength to come over the death of his mother and still believe that he is correct. If that happens then i would say ... indeed "a generation has awaken".

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Object of My Affection

Have you ever noticed that if you hate something long enough it will become a part of your life and you will actually start liking it (hating someone is an excetion though :)). I dont know about others but it has happened to me. It has happened to me so many times that i can definitely tell that almost everything around me is something i hated some time back.

When Scorpio was launched in India I thoroughly hated it for its looks and its lack of sophistication. By the way i am a big fan of SUVs and crazy about roughing them at top speeds and i keep track all the mean machines that hit the market. So when this dull grey colored thing appeared before me for the first timewith the ingenuity of Indian technology i gave it an Ugly Duckling kind of treatment. I even prophesised that this baby is going nowhere. One year into the market and it was awarded the best car of the year.

That was when i gave it a second look and still filled with disgust was determined to find out what made it the car of the year. i could see that the transformation of the Ugly Duckling has begun. It became the first car to experiment with dual colors for the exteriors and i have to admit that a combination or two caught my eye. That was when i thought maybe its not as bad a car as i thought it would be. With the advent of CRDe, a technology that makes the car more fuel efficient and less noisy the car bagged the best car of the year for 2005-06 again.

That was when i thought maybe i should buy this car, after all it has survived everything and became very popular. So if anybody asks me i would say i would buy a Scorpio but still there were other cars under consideration. Then one day one of my colleagues asked me if i checked out the ad of new Scorpio with 43 new features, I opened the website to take a look and there it was "The Ugly Duckling" that transformed into "The Object of My Affection". I immediately fell in love with it and whnever i see the all new scorpio on the road i just stand there admiring it. Now if somebody asks if i will consider buying anything else i will say "Nothing else wil do".

Back from the living dead

It has been a long time since I have posted my last blog. I almost forgot that I even used to blog. Then out of the blue my friend asks if have visited her blogs, which i didnt.... so after some swearing she made me say that i would visit her blogs regularly....well that was 2 days ago....

Today being the last working day before a long weekend, with nothing to do took my own sweet time to go through all her blogs and slowly realized that i have lost touch with myself and i guess thats the reason for the emptiness inside me... So keeping the promise to a friend i will keep posting my blogs regularly