Some one I know asked me this question. Why does it feel that time is flying by even when most of the time was spent in difficulties and struggles quite contrary to the saying that says time flies when you are happy . There is some one who complains that time is flying by. Personally I am happy when time is flying by except when i am sleeping.
When you think about it time seems to fly when you are too busy or having too much fun to take note of it. On the other hand time seems to drag when you have nothing to do or have to go through situations that you don't want to. Ever noticed how slow time moves when you are actually doing nothing else but observing it.
One can say that even when your life is one hectic mechanical routine, time seems to fly by. Maybe but not for long, initially one might enjoy the fruits of the hectic mechanical routine but sooner or later it will drain the life energy out of you. At some point you either break down or change your routine.
So if you feel that you have not noticed how time flew by then it essentially means that even after all the hardships you have been through all those years you still enjoyed the journey so far and you have enjoyed it so much that you didn't see time which was and is moving at the same pace it has ever been.
Finally if you are afraid that time is flying by, you are so much in love with your life that you are afraid it is going to end anytime ;)